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Froniuis displaySTATE 243


Arc detected

Detected Arc does not fullfill the standardized AFCI switch-off limits


An arc was detected in the solar array; however, the measured values did not meet the criteria for a confirmed arc fault. The inverter temporarily ceases energy production and automatically resumes operation after a short period.

Status Code Class 2

Class 2 status codes (state codes that start with a two, i.e., 2xx), may occur while feeding energy into the grid, but generally do not cause the process to be interrupted permanently.

The inverter temporarily disconnects automatically from the grid, the grid is then monitored as specified and the inverter attempts to resume feeding energy into the grid.

STATE 243 applies to:







Solutions for this Error


  • The inverter should atomatically resume operation after a short wait.
  • Power Cycle the Inverter. To do so, both the DC and AC power sources must be disconnected to allow the device to discharge. Once the device has had time to discharge, turn on both the AC and DC power sources to the inverter.
  • Run latest firmware update
  • A solar professional may need to inspect the solar array, PV modules, cabling, connectors, and junction boxes for loose terminations or other damage that could cause series arcs. Old string fuses should be inspected and considered for replacement.

Additional Info

The detection of a low value arc can also be cuased by quickly changing irradinace across the solar array, especially in the case with aging diodes and/or noisy MLPE devices during cloudy days or scattered shading obstructions. When low level arc noise is detected, the inverter should resume normal operation automatically.

If this error continues present on a unobstructed array, after completing the remedies listed above, and without a full value arc being detected, a Fronius Service Provider may need to inspect the PRIMOFIL board for replacement.

Get Help with this Error:

The best point of contact is your original installer
If the orginal installer is no longer available, contact a local Fronius Service Provider

DENVER RESIDENTS: Is your system located in the Denver, CO metro area? CONTACT US