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Froniuis displaySTATE 553


Phase master deactivated due to frequently occurring errors


A reintegration of the power stage set into the Mix network will be attempted at a later time.

Status Code Class 5

Class 5 status codes (state codes that start with a five, i.e., 5xx), do not generally interfere with feeding energy into the grid, but can cause restrictions. These status codes are displayed until they are acknowledged by pressing a key, however the inverter continues to operate normally in the background.

STATE 553 applies to:

IG Plus

IG Plus



Solutions for this Error


  • Power Cycle the Inverter. To do so, both the DC and AC power sources must be disconnected to allow the device to discharge. Once the device has had time to discharge, turn on both the AC and DC power sources to the inverter.
  • If this issue persists, the next steps include inspecting internal inverter components and their cabling by a trained Fronius Service Provider to further diagnose this specific issue. Defective components or the device itself may need to be replaced.

Get Help with this Error:

The best point of contact is your original installer
If the orginal installer is no longer available, contact a local Fronius Service Provider

DENVER RESIDENTS: Is your system located in the Denver, CO metro area? CONTACT US