AC voltage too high
Upon startup, the inverter checks the grid voltage. This error may occur if the grid voltage exceeds 5% of its nominal value (i.e., 252V on a 240V nominal grid voltage). During operation, the grid voltage is continuously monitored. This error may also trigger if the average grid voltage over a 10-minute period surpasses its default upper threshold (i.e., 255V on a 240V nominal grid voltage).
When this error occurs, the inverter stops energy production in accordance with grid requirements. It monitors the line voltages and automatically reconnects once grid conditions return to acceptable operating parameters. Usually, no further action is necessary.
Status Code Class 1
Class 1 status codes (state codes that start with a one, i.e., 1xx), pertain to anomalies detected at the inverter's AC grid interconnection, specifically parameters such as voltage and frequency. Before the inverter can commence operation, it must detect that the grid is within a ceratain range, for a predefined period of time.
Should the inverter identify the grid is outside these parameters, it will temporarily disconnect from the grid and cease production. Concurrently, the inverter will begin assessing the grid conditions per the stipulated monitoring period (e.g., every 5 minutes). If no further issues are detected by the end of this period, the inverter will automaticaly activate the GPIS SoftStart function gradually increasing its output power, in line with national guidelines, and resume feeding energy into the grid.
STATE 102 applies to:
IG Plus
Solutions for this Error
- Once the grid conditions return to normal the inverter should automatically reconnect and begin feeding energy into the grid, with no other actions required.
- If the error persists, contact your installer or local Fronius Service Provider to investigate potential faults in the AC wiring causing higher-than-normal line voltages at the inverter clamps, and to assess if grid voltages at your service entrance exceed the electric utility's permissible upper voltage threshold. If grid voltages are higher than allowed, the utlity should be notifed.
Additional Info
Electrical grid operators typically adhere to ANSI C84.1-2020, Section 4.2.1, which defines upper grid voltage limits. If the voltage limits at your service entrance exceed these values, promptly notify your electrical service provider so they can inspect the equipment feeding your home. In some cases faulty, aging, or over utilized equipment may be causing the higher than normal voltages at your home.
In some areas, the grid voltages are naturally higher than normal. If the other causes have been investigated, and if permitted by the utility, your local Fronius Service Provider may be able to assist in adjusting the maximum voltage limit of the inverter.
Get Help with this Error:
The best point of contact is your original installer
If the orginal installer is no longer available, contact a local Fronius Service Provider
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